Level 4, Intermediate, Post 5, 'My future job'

 - What kind of job would you like to have? How do you imagine it?

- Outdoors /indoors?
- Would you like to travel a lot in your job?
- What about the salary?
- Add any other related ideas.

- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post.
- Word Count: 210 words

I leave you a sample, as usual, 

"First of all, as a manner of a beginning, I would like to say that it is difficult to choose a favourite activity that you perform, in my case, I do not have any. And what is most difficult to say is that you like your job and to choose a form of making money that makes you happy. It is not a matter of choosing, it is a very opposite relationship that one, as a worker, build through time with a paid endeavour.

This relationship is only of a monetary nature, and since it is of this character, one cannot decide if that form of personal and intimate bond that one holds with money is healthy at all. I think it is probably not. So, in short words, a monetary relationship does not bring, as the common place dictates, happiness.

If the pursue of happiness does not reside in a paid adventure that you perform as a main character, one cannot ultimately say, that one holds the idea of a favourite job. As the common place also dictates, a job means slavery. One eventually will say that one rejects slavery since the common place, which is also politically correct, dictates.

A paid job so, should bring to us all, the ultimate form of unhappiness. Let us not rejoice in this form of unhappiness, let us rejoice in the way we make this job not a form of unhappiness. It could be a very nice way of killing time".  



  1. I totally agree, you have to find a way to improve things (generally speaking)

  2. that's a very interesting point of view of what jobs are, and i think it's pretty accurate

  3. I have a similar thought about jobs. I think the true purpose of society pushing us to look for a vocation is a hidden way of forcing us to look for a job that simply makes money.


  4. I think it is an excellent posture, I fully share it. The work down!

  5. What you propose is interesting, since we are kids they ask us what we want to be and what we would like to work on. Work is only part of our life, not our whole life, there are many other activities that give us happiness.

  6. I think the same, even if it is a pessimistic way of thinking, that "if you work at what you like you will not work any day" is a lie.

  7. I think similarly, but on the basis that money does not bring happiness, we have to be careful that this does not mean that we accept a job that makes our abilities precarious just because we are "doing what we like".

  8. I had never seen it from that point of view, it is quite interesting and for a very good topic to discuss

  9. Ajajjaaj I agree with you, especially that it is a nice way to kill time, well I think it is difficult to find only one thing that we like, as we grow, we know more and more and everything changes and we begin to want other things.

  10. I think the same, in reality the priority should be happy working on something that you like.

  11. It is a good proposal ... it is difficult to think like that, especially when our education teaches us the conventional way of what we should do and how to produce when you are an adult.

  12. It is better to have a job that you like than to have to do what you don't like every day. unfortunately money is necessary to live in today's world.

  13. I felt better after reading this, i constantly feel anxious at the idea of getting a job...

  14. very much agree with the point of view

  15. wow, the professor got heavy jajjaja (I mean, in a good way). I liked the honesty with you say this, because it's even philosophical, and many times we heard the very romanticized speeches in the university abour the future (and job) that in the end, are not realistic at all and it's so sad.

  16. I do not think that work is slavery but it is true that sometimes it is very linked to money

  17. I do not think that work is slavery but it is true that sometimes it is very linked to money

  18. Nice way to see the life, but I think we need to have a a balance between what you like and what you earn in this capitalist world :/

  19. I think that where you are not happy, move


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